Sunday, August 11, 2013

Yesterday's Blessings, by Paula Rose Michelson

As I began to write this posting I thought of Psalm 37:4 "...delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart," and prayed that as you read this God would quicken to your heart all He has done for you so that you would rejoice with me because Messiah has done marvelous things for me and you too!!

Yesterday while posting about my favorite book signing place, I was thinking of my books, which isn't that odd for an author to be doing before the signing begins. However, arriving there and being greeted as if I were a family member or an often spoken of dear friend reminded me once again that God leads and I must follow. I say this because I was a little put out, when as a new author, I was told to look for those niche markets that would gladly host me. But finding that bookstores were closing and knowing that a newly released unknown author would not be noticed amongst the tomes of well know ones shoppers wanted to buy, I did as suggested, and was blessed!

I wish I could tell you that doing what is best or wisest comes naturally, but alas it doesn't, which is another reason I need Messiah in my life! I say that because I like most people I know want to live my life my way and call it His. Yet on this Sunday, I'm relishing the fact that in the Lord, I have another...much better option. An option that doesn't promise me anything but delights when I chose, and in the choosing there are multitudes of blessings!

Yesterday's blessings were unexpected! They came from three very caring, and interested people.

The first was gifted to me by a young man who raises money for nonprofit organizations. Noticing my book table and an empty chair, he sat down next to me, asked me about my novels, and bought a book. When I asked him how he'd like his book inscribed, he said, "I didn't buy the book to take it. I bought it to support your work!" It was then that I told him that when I stepped into the Cafe a throng gathered at my table. I hurried outside to assist them but they had already dispersed. Counting my books, I realized that someone had taken one. I told him that God must have wanted that person to read the book so it was alright. A few minutes after he left I counted my books and found the missing book was there again!

The second was a young woman wearing a shirt that said, "Cayucos California." Being a native Californian, I surprised was that I hadn't heard of the place, asked her how to pronounce the name, and was told that it sounded like "mucas!" We both laughed and after hearing that she was not from there I relaxed enough to answer her questions about my books....she blessed me by purchasing one!

The third and most amazing blessing was meeting Arlene...that's my aunts' name! I love the name Arlene!  This Arlene was as wonderful as my best memory of Aunt Arlene for after chatting a while, she pulled up a chair, and just like family or dear friends do we talked on and on. When she stood, I was sad that she was leaving, but she didn't! Instead she asked me if I'd like something as she headed into II Gelato Cafe and returned with a Diet Coke for me and a gelato for her. Before we parted we exchanged contact info and talked about where we'd meet next!! And oh yes...this amazing Jewish woman bought Book One of Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing, because she wanted to read the book!

Miraculous blessing happen every day! If you're not seeing them, it may be because you're not looking or don't believe in Messiah for He, my friend is the first and greatest miracle of all!!


  1. Messiah truly is the greatest miracle of all! When we take the time to look for Him in our daily lives, we will surely find Him - and we will be blessed all the more just for looking! It sounds as though He was honored and glorified at your event - and He blessed you through it. Love Him!!!

  2. Nicole,

    Yes! You're right!

    Because we have such knowledge I find it impossible to be apathetic for I must be about His business!

    I know you feel the same way.

    Yours in Our Kinsman Redeemer,
    Paula Rose Michelon
