Recently I've posted my reviews of other author's books. I must admit that until recently I was concerned that reading other books would negatively impact my writing. I worried that I might find myself inadvertently writing another author's character's cadence or mannerisms into my books. Most writers probably don't think of such things. However, having lived two doors down from a friend with a slight stutter whom I like to spend time with I found that every time I was with her my family asked me if I had been. Upon questioning them I discovered that I am a mimic. Don't get me wrong, patterning cadence or using similar words when counseling, which in my role as a Chemical Dependency - Life Style Councilor was something I did daily, was a good thing. But it is not advisable for an author to mimic. So I abstained from reading other authors books.
A few years into my publishing journey, I thought about self-publishing through Amazon. Wanting to know all I could about them before I self-published The Naomi Chronicles, Book One, Beginning Anew, I bought a Kindle. Noting that another self-published author friend of mine had used BookBub to promote her book, which quickly became an Amazon Best Seller, I signed up for BookBub so I could see what type of books they were promoting. Daily I receive information about free or very discounted books. Having heard and read some negative comments about authors who don't publish using the traditionally accepted means, I was delighted to discover that the books I was reading were in almost all instances better than those I'd been asked to judge for the most highly esteemed award in Christian Historical Fiction. In fact those five books were either so poorly written, edited, or the endings were so contrived that when asked to advance to the next round of judging, I not only declined, I sent a detailed explanation of why I did that, and strongly suggested that the award committee have two categories for entries: one traditional publishing, the other self-published. I suggested that once the top five of each category was selected the books covers would be removed and the novels sent out for the final round of judging.
Obviously I never heard back, which brings me to the topic of today's blog, "A Dangled Web." I choose that title because that's the title of "SweetReadz Mag" review of Casa de Naomi: The House off Blessing, Book Two used. I've tweeted that title, posted it, and thanked the magazine!
While all of this was going on I was devouring amazing Indie Authors books! Each of these creative, committed individuals wrote from their heart, some dug into their guts. Their stories mattered so very much to me that though we'd never meet we became great friends! These, I am proud to say, are my peers! They've taught me more about writing than any class, seminar, or book ever did, and I wanted to give something back. God is so good that He knew I would so without my knowing I was added to a Facebook page where authors swap book reviews, and my life hasn't been the same since! I love reading my fellow authors work! I no longer worry about how their books will influence my writing because reading the creative works of people that are called to write, God has removed my worry and replaced it with joy! In the process, I've become a better writer, and I believe a better follower of Messiah, for He did not count the cost and neither will I! I say that because along the way I have had to let go of some illusions and a few people. I've been emotionally bounced from here to the moon and back, or so it felt. But each time I landed with a smile more resolute to do what I was called to do and knowing as I never did before that God is being lifted up every day in every way by the authors I've reviewed.
Tonight, I'm not posting my review about another author, but, an amazing review from SweetReadz "Reviews by SweetReadz Mag" that says, "Inspirational! This is a great book...What a dangled web this. I won't give the details away but just know that there's a lot of he wants her, she wants him, he wants the money and everyone is deep in sin...
A wonderful inspirational faith based read about love, life, and forgiveness. There are things we are commissioned to do in our Christian walk, but life choices can make these things seem to push far back and our fleshly desires forefront..."
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