Saturday, March 8, 2014

Where the Spirit of the Lord is by Paula Rose Michelson

If you’re a Facebook friend of mine, follow me on Twitter, or are following this blog, you've probably read my last post aptly titled “What Happens when Things Don’t Work Out?” And like many you were probably able to relate to my situation. So today, I decided to post this “How to Evaluate Your Choices” list that’s been on my desk leaning against a lovely butterfly mug which I was gifted when I spoke on “The Butterfly Grove” to a MOPS group of Moms years ago.

I don’t remember where I got the list, but the pinholes in it attest to the fact that with every move, I have posted it where I could see it. Since my desk now abuts a picture window this ‘List’ is on my desk beckoning me to remember that no matter what happens I can chose to take control, fall apart, or trust God.

This list calls me back to the God that is higher than I am. My prayer for you, as you read it, is that you bow your heart as I do every time I read it too.

How to Evaluate Your Choice
1.      Identify your core values.
2.      Establish a single top priority.
3.      Make sure your values and priority create synergy.
4.      Do not make snap decisions
5.      Understand your opportunities costs.
6.      Assess which balls bounce and with ones break.
7.      Don’t confuse long-term strategies with short-term tactics.
8.      Review your progress in light of Scripture.
9.      Take a break, both mentally and physically from time to time.
10.  Welcome productive conflict, and its resolution by doing things Gods way.

Corinthians 3:17-18 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

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