Monday, December 9, 2019

Trusting God, I write!

Many years before the first book of The Naomi Chronicles was published people asked why I didn't write. In this post I share what few knew.

Most, like me, who have been told by many that they would be a great author, and for those who, again like me, had a weekly newspaper column when a teenager, becoming an author would seem a great idea! However, I believed this was a dream that would never come true. For I couldn't spell or punctuate worth a bean which made doing what I now love to do as difficult as writing that weekly column.

Had I thought that joining the women in our Congregations devotional writers’ group to encourage them would lead me to do the one thing I feared, I would never have done so. But God knew what He was doing and why. I say this because a few months in I was writing things which a few of the ladies told me were to be part of a larger work. I wanted to tell them they were wrong, but couldn't. For while writing, I felt it wasn't me forming the sentences, creating the scenes, describing the people, but Naomi. 

When I asked God about this, I discovered that this was His plan for me, to become a scribe for Him. To this day, He continues to show me what it means to turn my sorrow into joy by trusting Him for the details. I was blessed to do that and further blessed to learn that there are many levels of turning any portion one’s life over to the lover of our souls.

Dear hearts, if God called or is equipping you, saying yes has blessings you'll never experience until you do, which oddly is exactly what Naomi learns in book one of her journey. While thinking of yours you might want to  click:

5-Stars! “This is one of the best Inspirational Christian Woman’s novels I’ve read in a really long time. I can’t wait to read the remaining books in this series. I highly recommend this book series and this author!!”

About Author Paula Rose Michelson

Writing great women's Christian inspirational romances is Paula Rose Michelson’s passion. Her desire to inspire others comes from being a late reader, who discovered books were her best friends! A lover of fictions where the heroine was one for her families’ sake, she writes about amazing women who have unique faith challenges. When asked about her idea for The Naomi Chronicles, Paula said, "Naomi and I penned these fictions together."

Paula also writes LAMB Ministries recovery books and other fictions and non-fictions all from a Christian perspective.

The author is married to Ron Michelson who is a Lutheran Pastor and Chosen People Ministries field missionary. The couple have two married daughters and seven grandchildren.

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