Friday, March 24, 2017


#FREE Kindle through 3/26/17
Yesterday I was asked if I'd like my story of how or why I wrote The Time Between, which is FREE through Sunday, March 26th to be shared on another authors blog! Aware that this is an interesting tail, and not hearing back, I decided to share it here...

So, to begin in the middle... since I was half way through editing Commitment for Two: The Naomi Chronicles, Book Four, when I got the desire to write a sweet love story. You know, the kind that makes you think, I wish I'd written that! Ops, if you’re not an author that wouldn't make sense, so I’ll add, makes you think, I wish I were that gal!  

The title of the book was The Time Between, which my hubby loved. A little prodding from him, and I wrote the Back Matter, which was nothing like I wanted it to be. However, having been called to write by God, I was - if not eager - at least... So, I didn't do anything more until, and I'd never done this before, I started searching for song titles that I'd use as chapter titles. 

All the while I was still trying to edit a book that I couldn't focus on! A few months of this and I'd had IT! One Friday, I thought, Okay, one weekend! That's all I'm going to spend on this book! 

Starting the project, the words just flew from my fingers on to the word doc and at the end of that weekend, the book - written in first person - was DONE! 

It being a VERY Short read, two of my friends listened as I read it. One, who's a playwright told me that when I had the second and third acts she'd help me learn her craft. The other - a retired school teacher, who's read all my books told me, "This is your best work so far!"

Nice, hu? But, I know it was the image I selected for the cover and the tagline that helped me overcome my, I can't write or publish that attitude. 

However, it wasn't until I listed to Derek Doepker's webinar that I gave myself permission to own that I’d written a book about an important issue that some who read my other books might not like! Because the issues in this work are important, I'm glad I wrote it and look forward to the second in this three-book series titled They Must See Me! although, I must share that once more I’m not looking forward to writing it, so it’ll have to be another all in book writing weekend to get this book on paper as well!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Author Derek Doepker's Guidance Changed My Thinking!

Derek DoepkerAs an Indie Author since 2014, I've heard and experienced what most who self-publish do, which is the ying-yang of readers who love our books and eagerly await the next one, nice reviews, and sales that don't reflect what we're hearing!

Like most in this situation, I've tried many ways to boost reader awareness and sales from Kindle Free download events to a multi-blog Rafflecopter giveaway, which an author friend offered to do for a fee. Had I known then what I know now, I would have nixted her help because the person who sets up the event is the one who gets the email address. Had I understood, as I do now, how easy it is to give my eBook Kindles away, I would have done that myself in the hope that sales of the other books in my series would sell. 

Though No Other Choice: The Naomi Chronicles, Book One is usually ranked in Amazon's top 100 Bestsellers in Inspirational Romantic Fiction, I still wasn't meeting my writing expenses. Like many self-published authors I know, I wondered if I were deluding myself. I discovered that those who read and posted wonderful reviews for my book were right when I offered a free Kindle download of No Other Choice and sales for that book plus the two others in the series, Choosing to Be, and Beginning Anew took off as well! Since my eBooks are on Kindle Unlimited, I was able to see the number of pages read multiply each hour! 

Happy that the books reviewers were right, my book was GOOD! I eagerly awaited more book sales! 
Yet nothing happened! 

Aware that there were authors who understood what I did not, I signed up for Derek Doepker's two hour webinar, which changed my Point of View! If you have an opportunity to listen to him DO IT! Signing up for his KD Sales Machine Inner Circle was an act of faith on my part. And having mentioned my lagging sales during the webinar, I was delighted when he checked my book out and in three words shared something that will forever impact the way I think about my books!  

Here, I must admit that I struggled when he told me that my book was Inspirational Christian Fiction since Amazon hasn't shown those words below any of my books. However, when I read the definition of these words, I released that they fit ALL my fictions. 

So to restate the obvious, if you're able to sign up for author Derek Doepker's webinar and enroll in his KD Sales Machine Inner Circle do it! And, you might want to hit the 'FOLLOW' found under his picture on his Amazon author page at:

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What is 'The Kindness Principal' and why do LAMB Ladies need it?

Simply put, 'The Kindness Principal' found within the first LAMB Ministry Book was written because though we all rush through things, women who have suffered trauma and abuse are more likely to hurry through whatever they fear but believe they must do. Reversing this type of survival thinking may seem silly to some. However, those who chose to take the few words that appear in the book, which I've posted below, to heart, and apply them throughout their day can begin to experience what being set free from the tyranny of the 'must do' to the blessing of the 'thank you' we all hunger for feels like. 

Wonder if what I'm telling you is true? Put 'Kindness Principal' number one to the test by writing it out and posting it about as a reminder that:

Whether you know it or not,
You’ve done a lot of work today,
So stop, rest, and
Meet me here again tomorrow.

The above ‘Kindness Principle’ is one I hope you’ll always apply to your life.

And as you do this simple step remember, God won't give you more than you can handle, so if you're feeling stressed it's time to tell yourself it’s okay to just reframe your day. 

This small teaching is from
"How Did We Become Angry?" (Lamb Ministries 7x7
Biblical Recovery for Women Suffering from Trauma & Abuse)

To download your Kindle eBook visit:

About Paula Rose Michelson

Some who first knew this author as the founder, head, and facilitator of LAMB Ministries, have mentioned that a few of those teachings are found within her books. Paula knows this to be true for her desire to faithfully depict Gods love, compassion, and forgiveness while showing her readers The Jewish Messiah of Israel and the world parallel her desire to see those precious wounded ones restored to wholeness, so within each of her books, she includes a few of her biblically based teachings so others can overcome and feel good about themselves.

When not involved in writing, speaking or helping other writers, Paula Rose Michelson pursues other passions while supporting her husband Ron who is a Lutheran Pastor and Chosen People Ministries field missionary. At one point, she and her spouse worked for the mission. However, her desire to write for the Lord full time lead her to leave that work so she could devote herself to this work. 

This mother of two married daughters and grandmother of seven has been known to weave such wonderful tails that sometimes listeners lose track of the time. At her core, both family and her ever increasing reader family matter to Paula, so while writing to entertain, she hopes to impart a blessing to those who read her fictions and nonfiction's. 

Vive la Différence!

As an author who finds enough change occurring to the characters in my books, for many years, I've had the same background for this blog. However, having had outpatient surgery on my thumb, I found I couldn't sleep. I spent several hours editing Commitment for Two: the Naomi Chronicles, Book Four. Thinking the pain wasn't as great as it had been, I tried to sleep, but found I could not. Aware that starting a new project after midnight was foolish, I started fooling around with the Blogger Template options, found this one, and hope you like it as much as I do.

I think the color contrast will make my posting easier to read, and the pictures will pop! So as the French say, "Vive la DiffĂ©rence!" Please tell me what you think the next time you drop by for a visit.  

About the Author
Author Paula Rose Michelson is married to Lutheran Pastor & Chosen People Ministries Field Missionary Ron Michelson. The happy couple have two married daughters and seven grandchildren. 

Paula loves to read novels where the woman became a hero for her families’ sake. Thus, this wordsmith is known for writing Christian Inspirational Fiction with a Messianic twist and a hint of history, Thrillers, Nonfiction, Self-help, and Works to Encourage. Her Kindle eBooks & Paperbacks are available on Amazon at and at other online booksellers.