Tuesday, July 29, 2014

'"The Purple Pitch Seduction of America" selling for the Pre-release Price of .99 Cents!

Wayne Johnson first read "The Purple Pitch Seduction of America" when this book that now has 37 articles covering everything from the wife swapping of the 80’s to what they hey is going on today? was 12 articles give - or take a few. And I’m delighted that when he read the book in its entirety he said, “Like a deep thinking Erma Bombeck, Paula Rose Michelson’s 'The Purple Pitch Seduction of America', reflects our society’s issues in a way that makes one think while chuckling. While I read, I found myself thinking about 2 Timothy 3:1-9, which speaks of the Godlessness in the ‘Last Days’, and I pray that we are not there yet.”

Now available during its pre-release event for .99 Cents, “The Purple Pitch Seduction of America” was purchased on iTunes by someone taking advantage of this price which expires on August 5th. To check the book out there or at the other online booksellers where it’s being sold I’ve put the link to each location…enjoy!

iTunes/iBook: http://bit.ly/UqyUTU

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1mOqqNb

Smashwords: http://bit.ly/WHDkYi

About Paula Rose Michelson

Paula Rose Michelson began her writing career at the age of fifteen when this reluctant teen was told by her mother that she would be writing a weekly ‘Teen Scene’ column for a San Diego paper. Thinking it a joke, Paula soon discovered that her mother was serious when she found herself making phone calls and researching events she did not attend so she could write about them. Weekly, when asked if she’d like to read her Friday column, the teenager shook her head and from that day to this wonders if she made it all up. Years later, when lauded as a writer of merit for writing about choices, their consequences, and her passion for becoming that’s found within each book and is the one word that defines her, Paula said, “Where would any of us be if it weren’t for choices made and lessons learned?”

Known as the author of the LAMB Ministry 7X7 Recovery books, and by fiction lovers as the author of sweet Christian romance with a Messianic twist and a hint of history, her ‘Naomi Chronicles’ are a continuation of Naomi’s faith journey which readers fell in love with when they read Books 1 & 2 of the ‘Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing’ Saga.

A Messianic Jew, the wife of Chosen People Ministries Field Missionary, and Lutheran Pastor, Ron Michelson, and one who writes to fulfill the Great Commission, Paula has seen God change lives when people believe in and call upon Him. This mother of two married daughters, Paula is the grandmother of seven.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pray for the Peace of of Jerusalem (Psalm 122: 6-7)

Do you know that doing as God asks without equivocation carries within our act of bending our will to His, enormous blessings? Yes! That's right! Doing what God asks us to do - even when we'd rather do anything but - aligns us with His perfect will.  And since God's will is not petty or self-seeking those of us who chose Him over the world that continues to beckon us have chosen what is best. Scripture says of this choice, in Isaiah 48:17 that, “This is what the Lord says...I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you and directs you in the way you should go.”   

So my dear ones, thank you for knowing that what is always needed - no matter what the Bible has to say about the End Times – is prayer. God desires for us to pray because when we do we are close to Him. Seldom has God told us exactly what He wants us to pray for, so when He does we need to pay attention. Therefore, when God said in Psalm 122: 6-7 to, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:  “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels,’” He was gifting us an understanding of what He wants. Within each command of God’s there are manifold blessings. We who are in Messiah have become “one new man” there is now neither Jew or gentile so when I ask you to pray for this peace, I am asking you to stand against what is happening now so you will be strengthen and know how to do what will be necessary when you are experiencing these things.

And know that during your distress those you have prayed for will be lifting you up as you have lifted them up. After all, being part of the family that Our Redeemer bought with His shed blood can we do less? I think not! Instead, we are called to give our all for Messiah.

Though we may see ourselves still as Jew and gentile believers in Messiah, when we pray for this peace - we are praying that the Church - no matter which denomination - experience peace. Both in Matthew 15:24 where Yeshua (Jesus) said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel,” and in Matthew 10:6, where Messiah told those he was sending out to, “Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel,” we see God’s heart and Christ’s!

Therefore, those who, during this or any other time of distress for the Jews or the church, think it’s all about End Times are missing the blessing in doing what is nearest and dearest to our Lord, and that is to not look forward expectantly, but to work in the world, for as we read in Hebrews 6:10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

Thank and bless you for reading this post, and may you as you listen to Jonathan Settle sing “Pray for the Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem" do that throughout your day...when you awake, when you stop by the way, when you look up and see puffy clouds in the sky... when you do all the little everyday things that 80 % of the Jews in Israel cannot do, may God burden your heart to continually pray for the people who are still the “Apple of God's eye”!


Friday, July 25, 2014

Here's the Skinny on "The Purple Pitch Seduction of America"

Many ask how, or to be more to the point, why an author like me, who writes about choices, began writing The Purple Pitch Seduction of America, so here's the skinny...

 I began noodling around with some articles while Obama was running for the presidency the first time. Both before and during the second election cycle, I was writing, and Ron was reading. We both thought it was a great way for me to blow off steam in a funny, not so funny way...

Then a few months ago, he asked me why these articles hadn't been published yet since I had a great cover...

So being me, I asked if he wanted the book published so we could tell everyone about Karen Slimick Arnpriester's amazing work and the look he shot me let me know that he was deadly serious. 

So here, by popular demand of Ron and because of the wow reviews the book got, is the book I never planned to publish, which is very dear to my heart for I took a walk down memory lane while being sadly aware that the 21st century was, in some ways, not my cup of tea... Then I thought of all those who'd come here in search of the American Dream and I wondered...

So as a salute to all who sacrificed so we could live free,   
As a warning to those who wish we were like what the evolving countries used to be,
Is my take on what made us great, made us strong, and why we stood up for the other guy whom some said didn't belong!

Just so you could get a great deal this book, during its pre-release sale is .99 Cents, which is a steal! 

The Purple Pitch Seduction of America is now at:

iTunes http://bit.ly/UqyUTU and...

In Closing - Here's a Little About Me

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Enjoying the Moment Before THE Moment!

Now I know how Santa Clause feels when he knows he’s bringing you something that you didn’t ask for, but will enjoy! I know that because of reviews like the one, I’ve posted below, and because many of those who read the book asked me when the sequel would be out.

So taking the bull by the horns, as in – why not? This book, whose subtitle is ‘Lest We Lose Our Inalienable Rights Press On’, will soon be the first and book two’s subtitle in case you’re wondering will be ‘Finger Pointing and Anointing’!

But for now, I’m thinking its best to do first things…as in promote the pre-released books .99 Cent celebratory price if you buy it before its release date of August 4th. Now, I’m not sure when the e-book will be at these fine online booksellers listed below, so when you find it for sale at you favorite store, please let me know.

In case you’re not sure if this book’s for you I posted this review: “Like a deep thinking Erma Bombeck, Paula Rose Michelson’s ‘The Purple Pitch Seduction of America’, reflects our society’s issues in a way that makes one think while chuckling. While I read, I found myself thinking about 2 Timothy 3:1-9, which speaks of the Godlessness in the ‘Last Days’, and I pray that we are not there yet.” — Wayne Johnson

iTunes/iBook:  http://bit.ly/UqyUTU

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1mOqqNb


After the pre-release event ends on August 4th The Purple Pitch Seduction of America will be available at most online Booksellers like Amazon, Smashwords and such, for its regular price of $3.99, so if you’re looking to buy a gift for those who are…this is a book that just might fit the bill and at .99 Cents it’s a steal, so why not buy a few…maybe even one for YOU too!

Monday, July 21, 2014

The .99 Cent Pre-release Deal for The Purple Pitch Seduction of America Begins NOW!

Just published at Smashwords! To celebrate the upcoming release of 'The Purple Pitch Seduction of America’ this, "MUST READ" is available for a .99 cent pre-release discount that will vanish on August 4th, so be sure to order your e-book now! https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/459498

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pitching 'The Purple' as in "The Purple Pitch Seduction of America" Soon Available for Pre-Order

As an author of both nonfiction and fiction, I can share that no matter what genre I write in, I write with my heart or don’t write at all. Knowing this I hope you enjoy the little teas for my upcoming release, “The Purple Pitch Seduction of America’, for it is most appropriate, at least in my mind, to do this because the books tenor would be much too serious if I hadn’t seen the humor in the situations we American’s now find ourselves in – situations as important as becoming and as inane as what passes for …

So for those of you who’d like a tidbit, here’s the short scoop….

Tongue-and-cheek politically incorrect articles covering the American scene and what might be going on behind the scenes creates a new take on what Will Rodgers, the Smothers Brothers, Laugh In, and George Carlin might have said and pays homage to what's passing in the body politic, our American culture, and our yesteryear juxtaposing the inane with the profane as Christ shines through. 

About the Author
Paula Rose Michelson began her writing career at the age of fifteen when this reluctant teen was told by her mother that she would be writing a weekly ‘Teen Scene’ column for a San Diego paper. Thinking it a joke, Paula soon discovered that her mother was serious when she found herself making phone calls and researching events she did not attend so she could write about them. Weekly, when asked if she’d like to read her Friday column, the teenager shook her head and from that day to this wonders if she made it all up. Years later, when lauded as an author of merit for writing about choices, their consequences, and her passion for becoming that’s found within each book and is the one word that defines her, Paula said, “Where would any of us be if it weren’t for choices made and lessons learned?”

Known as the author of the LAMB Ministry 7X7 Recovery books, and by fiction lovers as the author of sweet Christian romance with a Messianic twist and a hint of history, her ‘Naomi Chronicles’ are a continuation of Naomi’s faith journey which readers fell in love with when they read Books 1 & 2 of the ‘Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing’ Saga.

A Messianic Jew, the wife of Chosen People Ministries Field Missionary, and Lutheran Pastor, Ron Michelson, and one who writes to fulfill the Great Commission, Paula has seen God change lives when people believe in and call upon Him. This mother of two married daughters, Paula is the grandmother of seven.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Not Sure if "Beginning Anew" is for YOU?

Since today is the last day that you can download Beginning Anew: The Naomi Chronicles, for .99 cents, I've posted chapter one. Enjoy!

Coming Home 

      Chaz carried Naomi over the threshold and into the vestibule. His gaze caressed her every feature, resting at last on her eyes. They were a striking couple. She, a petite woman with olive skin, azure blue eyes, and curly hair that, when let loose, fell to her waist; he, a lanky man with close cut, dark brown hair and strong features who had once again married the woman his heart yearned for. As Naomi met his gaze with her own, she found herself believing that the Spanish tiles and sideboard stood as silent witnesses to the love encompassing them. She felt Chaz tighten his hold on her and remembered the first time she came to this casa, a teenager handcuffed and dragged here against her will.
      He nuzzled her neck, and her thoughts turned toward Chaz coming to this casa the first time they wed, unaware of her secrets. When they looked at each other, Naomi believed each of them were experiencing the magic that surrounded them, magic carried on the soft velvety breeze that drifted in through the front door, enfolding them in its embrace. Noticing that they breathed in unison, her heart rejoiced, for their unity affirmed to her that this was the beginning of all their tomorrows as their yesterdays faded away.
      She smiled, certain each of them was remembering the vows they had reaffirmed, the promise of the night they shared, and the many promises they made; promises to love, cherish, and obey.
Naomi drank in her surroundings, amazed that the place of fear and trepidation that had become a refuge for her while serving others, and from which she had fled weeks ago, was now a place of love and joy. Bringing her thoughts back to the present, she saw Chaz’s gaze sweep the casa and noticed his scowl. She wondered if he was remembering their first wedding night a little more than a month ago that for him, she believed, was a night of unmet…She blushed and was about to ask him when he turned toward her. Though she believed, she would never be sure, his look seemed to say…Nomi, you take my breath away!
      She flicked a piece of lint from his tuxedo jacket.
      “Nomi! Did you hear me?” He stared at her.
      Though not given to mind reading, because of the way Chaz looked at her, Naomi wondered if he was remembering the way they met years ago when he was on the street inebriated. Before their life had fallen apart, he had told her that the few moments they spent then changed him forever. Now, as she relieved the moment, Chaz had called her “Nomi” she realized once more the manifold blessings of remarrying this man who used the same endearment her papá had. Chaz had called her “Nomi” before, but this time, when he spoke that name it sounded like a benediction, and her heart filled with joy. She was certain he truly loved her as her family had, for none but her family had ever called her what her papá had until Chaz claimed her heart.
      “Nomi, you take my breath away!”
      “Oh, Chaz, I thought I imagined you saying that.”
      Chaz smiled and kissed her. “Dear one, let us remember what we went through to come to this place and this time. Let us never take lightly the love we have for each other.” 
      “I promise…I will not forget.”
      “Amore, time has robbed us of many things. Commitments unconsecrated at the beginning of our marriage and your promise of their completion on that first Sunday night.” 
      She blushed. “This is true, but there is nothing we can do about that now.” 
      “We can have our special Sunday as you planned.”
      Naomi took the measure of her man with new insight. “Do you mean to tell me that after all of this, you are willing to wait?” 
      “Sí, that is exactly what I mean. If there is one thing I have learned from all of this, it is that I need to be patient with you…with us.”
      “Are you trying to develop this trait by putting off our union?”
      “I believe we should come together after we have sorted things out. I must confess, you were not the only one hiding. I came to you with one suitcase and allowed you to think I was less than I am. For that, I ask you to forgive me. It is because both of us have not been open with each other that we need this time. Besides, waiting until Sunday will be wonderful agony for us both. After all, what is it they say, ‘waiting makes the moment more special’? I believe we should wait as you originally requested.”
      “What do you mean, you made yourself to be less than you are? Who exactly are you?”
      “See, you are aware that we do not really know each other, or you would not be reacting this way.”
      “That is true. I can see the wisdom in what you suggest. But…”
      Chaz watched his bride’s emotions as they flitted across her face. “What are you thinking about?” he asked as he put her down.
      Seconds ticked by. She smiled at him. “I was thinking about the sign.
      Chaz drew her close. “I am glad you like it.” 
      “Well…who would not be surprised…I mean pleased, to come home and discover the casa had been named after them, with a sign saying so now hanging above the front door?” She remembered asking him, “Why did you pick these words?” Though she hated having her name where everyone could see it, she smiled when he answered, “I told you before, you are my casa, Naomi. I am at home in you!” Amazed by her response, “I never thought of this as my casa,” Naomi knew she sounded happy like new brides do. Now, those words seemed to reverberate within the walls of the casa, as if the house was rejoicing with her because it somehow knew that home had always been an illusion to her until now.
      She thought of the yellow butterfly on the sign and asked, “Chaz, are you one who watches butterflies?”
      “No, my sweet, I am one who watches you.”
      “What do you mean?”
      “What were you thinking of that made you blush when I proposed?”
      “Well…I said I would date you…because outside my bedroom’s French doors each spring, I watched caterpillars spin their cocoons and emerge later in the season as beautiful butterflies. I wondered if…if I…could be like them…becoming all I was meant to be by…marrying you.”
      “When hearts beat as one like yours and mine, in time we come to understand each other’s secret yearnings.”
      “And what is my secret yearning?”
      “That we be happy—”
      “Oh yes, I want us to be happy and… hope for…”
      “Una mariposa amarilla, sí?
      “How did you know my secret wish was to be free like a yellow butterfly is?”
      “Naomi, for one who was taught that observing the Jewish faith could lead to her death, who sought freedom in America, then needed to live in isolation because she had entered the land illegally, thinking of a butterfly that goes where it wants and does what it pleases must have seemed like heaven. As for yellow, that, my lovely, is no secret. Given the choice, if you are not trying to be invisible, or dressing to please me, you wear something yellow.”
      Naomi thought of the lovely yellow sunhat with embroidered red roses Chaz had bought her and nodded. “Yes, you are right.”
      “Un momento.” Chaz hurried away, returning a moment later with that hat in hand. She smiled at him as he placed it on her head and draped the matching scarf artfully around her neck. “I promised myself that when you came back we would begin again with good memories. For me, this hat and dancing with you on the patio are the best!”
      She smiled at him. 
      He picked her up, and hurried towards the backdoor. Before he crossed the kitchen’s threshold, she motioned for him to put her down. “Is there a problem?”
      She frowned. “It is going to be hard enough to wait until Sunday, so…” 
      He saw her frown and understood all she had not said. “…dancing with you is out of the question! Now I wish you had not agreed to wait until…”
      “No. I know you were right…though it seems odd to be married twice in such a short time and never come together.”
      Chaz chuckled. “When you put it that way, I can see the humor in our situation.”  
      “It might not seem funny when some will insist that we wed on June fifteenth, 1967 instead of on July twenty-sixth, 1967.”
      “I do not care what date we use. All that matters is that we are really and truly married.”
      “Yes, a new beginning.”
      “Now there are things we need to do.”
      “What things?”
      “We must go shopping for some new bedding and other things for the master suite.”
At the mention of bedding, Naomi blushed. 
      “What is it?”
      Aware that if she shared her desire, Chaz’s plan might go awry, Naomi cast her eyes down.           “Nothing…nothing at all…”
      “Naomi, do not hide from me again.”
      Oh, God, how do I do this? she wondered as her color deepened.
      "Naomi…please, please…” 
      The way Chaz looked when he uttered those two words made her feel weak in the knees. Talk about something else, she told herself. “All right…since you spoke of Madre Vida and the sign, I must share that her name is misspelled.”
      “Is that all?”
      “Tell me.”
      “I am so sorry that I did not clear out her room for you.”
      “Nomi, it is all right. We can do that together.” 
      “I could not let go of her presence. With your help, now I can.”
      “Good! Let us make that room our own.”
      “I am glad you will help because that way the room will really be ours. What should we do with Madre Vida’s things?”
      “We could pack them away,” he suggested. Then seeing his bride frown, Chaz exclaimed, “Why not pick some of her things and frame them!”
      “Oh, Chaz, that is a wonderful idea, but…”
      “Well,” she looked at him for assurance. Seeing him nod, she continued, “It might be silly to speak of such things now, but though I lived with Madre Vida for more than five years, I do not know anything about her except her work with girls like me, and the market she owned and passed on to me along with all her other commitments. Though not my real mother, she gave me this life.”
      “Maybe, in her things, you will find what you want.”
      “I hope so. I would like to know…” Naomi smiled at him. “She was my only family here in America.” 
      Chaz hugged her tight. “Now you have me.”
      “We have each other.” 
      Chaz heard the kitchen clock chime, marking the midnight hour. He escorted his wife to her bedroom door and forced a smile. “Then we agree, tomorrow we begin to make the suite fit for us.”  
Naomi smiled and opened her door. “Yes, tomorrow we begin to be us instead of you and me….Us, as only a couple in love can…” 
      “Will be,” Chaz finished her sentence, then he kissed her lips longingly. Drawing circles in her right hand, he moved closer, so close each could feel the other’s heart beating. “Naomi, I…” he pulled her to him.
      “Whatever you want, I am yours,” she murmured as his lips encircled hers.

      “Naomi,” he moaned, “I must leave you now or I will never go!” He forced himself to turn away and walk down the hall.

This e-book is available at:
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/MfODSg
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1v6ZaQK
And other online booksellers

About the Author

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beginning Anew: The Naomi Chronicles is a “Love Story for the Ages!”

So much that we are exposed to today overwhelm us, or as believers in Messiah (Christ), may not align with or values. I wrote the books that comprise Naomi’s faith journey so any woman of faith could share them with the women in their life whether preteen or older. Each book, beginning with the two Casa de Naomi books and continuing with this one deals with real life issues. And each book shows the reader how choices can impact our lives and illustrates our loving Gods understanding and forgiveness. 

Released on January 20, 2014, Beginning Anew: The Naomi Chronicles garnered immediate rave reviews! On sale for .99 cents through July 18, at Amazon and Smashwords, I’ve posted a few reviews here for you to enjoy. 

"A fascinating story! Amazing cover art!” Author, Joyce Mitchell exclaimed in her 5 star review and then continued, “What a wonderful book by the talented Paula Rose Michelson. She gives great depth to all the characters in this well-written poetic story that draws the reader in. After a painful separation, Naomi and Chaz both set their minds to starting over and 'beginning anew' in their yet-to-be consummated marriage. With a faithful God, and being blessed with the love they have for each other—as many secrets unfold, the two must now learn to respect, and be honest with one another as they grow in love. 

Some of my favorite lines from the story were: 
       ‘When hearts beat as one like yours and mine, in time we come to understand each other's secret yearnings.’ 
       ‘And what is my secret yearning?’ 
       ‘That we be happy—

I highly recommend this book! So get your copy today, you'll be glad you did—it's an emotional story that many readers of all ages will be able to relate to; it will inspire you, educate you and keep you turning pages until the very end—waiting for the next book to come out by this amazing writer, Ms. Michelson.” 

Author, William Struse's 5 star review of this sweet Christian romance with a Messianic twist, says, “A heroine learning to love the man she needs and a hero in love with a woman whose duty is tearing her apart. Together they find the strength to face their fears with love built upon an unshakable faith. Author Paula Rose Michelson captures the complexities of human emotion like few authors I've read. Passion, duty, fear, revenge, courage, prejudice and love are woven into this truly gripping story which so well illustrates that which makes us human.” 

Author, Katie Mettner of the wonderful “Sugar” books, 5 star review says, “The continuation of Naomi’s story is no less than spiritually riveting in Beginning Anew. As the title suggests Naomi and Chaz are doing just that, beginning anew, as husband and wife. They are trying to put the past behind them, but the master wordsmith, Ms. Michelson does not allow that to happen. The past is indeed a huge part of this story. Chaz is tested in his faith and while he walks through the valley of the shadow of doubt Naomi is there to comfort him and show him the way. Naomi is going through her own challenges of deceit and vengeance. The Lord leads her to the answers and she in turn finds herself helping the same person who has hurt her.  

Ms. Michelson relies heavily on the word of the Lord in her writing to show us exactly how Naomi and Chaz are feeling. She does it in a way that demonstrates her faithfulness and wisdom in the scripture and instills an inspirational feeling and understanding in the reader. Chaz and Naomi’s story is about redeeming love and the importance of letting God lead you and carry you in times of turmoil. Beginning Anew is the renewed commitment to a love story of the ages. Naomi and Chaz’s story will captivate you and leave you feeling inspired, and end leaves you ready to find out more about how their story unfolds. I give Beginning Anew five stars for being a captivating labor of love that leaves you speechless, breathless and profoundly altered in your beliefs about love.” 

Beginning Anew: The Naomi Chronicles is available at: 
Barnes & Noble - http://bit.ly/1v6ZaQK
And other locations online booksellers

Monday, July 14, 2014

“Wake up America! WAKE UP NOW!"

“Wake up America! WAKE UP NOW! In her latest book it's as if Paula Rose Michelson was channeling the late George Carlin and the Smothers Brothers in this book where she tells you what's going on and how the freedom of the American people is being taken away. She points out the scary road our “leaders in charge” are taking us down as they stray away from democracy.

This isn't just a book for those interested in ‘The Political Plundering of America,’ it's a book that EVERY American citizen NEEDS to READ!

Since America is not lost yet there is still time to take action! These six quotes from Paula Rose Michelson’s, The Purple Pitch Seduction of America are six reasons to read this book!

 — ‘Freedom is a sacred trust passed down to us by all those who have died so we could be free.
       It’s what we owe to ourselves, the next generation and the world!’ 
— ‘The Trust Fund had been used by Congress to fund things it was never intended for!’
— ‘We paid into the system and this trusted system, which we’re being told is bankrupt, isn’t!’
— ‘The tail is trying to wag the dog!’
— ‘We continue to look at what worked once upon a time rather than search for new solutions.’
— ‘Today it seems that we really are living in the carnival sideshow’s scary hall of mirrors.

Read this book to find out what’s going on and what needs to be done! On a personal note, I pray, ‘God help us all because our current governing body doesn't seem to be inclined to stop the madness.’” —John Hale/Hamburger Fry, Author

If you want me to let you know when this book can be purchased during it's prerelease sale period, please leave me a comment below. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What do “We the People” do About those Kids?

   Whether you believe the influx of illegal kids being brought to our country was orchestrated by the drug cartels, or that those children risked their lives to ride the rails to get here are doing that because (as some have said) President Obama invited them to come, or find yourself agreeing that this daily onslaught of thousands of children illegally crossing our boarders is a huge “Humanitarian Crises”, or you wish the problem would just go away, the reality is that we’ve been helping the other guy i.e. the downtrodden nations for so long that it probably seemed to some wise-guys here and abroad that they could manipulate us American’s into a fix that would tie us up in both legal and political knots by dumpling on our doorstep an issue they don’t want to deal with.
           According to the squawk on the street that’s finally getting some press what we’re seeing now is just an expansion of what’s been going on for a while and just like the mom who saved each day what she could so she could buy enough groceries to feed her family and had a nickel left over to give to the needy “We the People” are now caught on the horns of a dilemma. Not the dilemma as portrayed by the right or the left, no we face a moral dilemma. For this country founded on moral principles that from its inception guided us, it is a loathsome thing indeed for me to note that at no time has any leader, representative, or our Pres. mentioned that because we have slowly sunk into the abyss, that seemingly bottomless chasm where our adversary resides ever watchful hoping we will, of our own accord, join him there.
With this latest ploy, it is critical that “We the American People” take the high ground and do this NOW, for to procrastinate is to condone! Knowing this I found myself wondering what we could do that would bring the crisis to the attention of the nation – those who represent us – and the press without making this issue another them against us dog and pony show that gets us nowhere unless you think that becoming more deeply entrenched in intractability is somewhere!
I see you nodding and am thrilled because we all know that whether these illegal minors are being used, or fled for their life they didn’t sign up for this situation any more than we did.
So knowing that neither they nor we were instrumental in creating this issue, and being fully aware that no one is thinking clearly enough to see what would be in the best interest of all, I believe it is time to take this to the Whitehouse.
Therefore, taking a page from the history that we know gets the attention of all, I propose that each state that’s having kids dumped at their doorstep spend what’s need to get those kids to The Whitehouse at the same time on the same day. That the governors of those states that are being affected as well as those who needed to leave their jobs to process them accompany those kids. Also, please, before trek begins interview and record what the kid shave to say so “We the People” can get the straight scoop!  
If those in Washington, including our Pres. think that dropping the problem in someone else’s backyard’s the answer let's show them what that’s like and if necessary leave those kids there as in inside the Congress and in front of the Whitehouse, and that we do this before Congress breaks for the summer and when the Pres. is in residence! 
And, if you think this can’t be done, remember what's happening now is one of Satan’s oldest tricks called “Divide and Concur.” He first tried it in the Garden of Eden, and has been using this divisive trick ever since. Right now aided by those in power who refuse to negotiate, he’s using again. However, “We the People” have news for him: And that is that “We the People” value people…even kids and will not allow them to become pawns, not now not ever, no way! Okay! So let’s stop fretting and do what works…and that’s unbeard the coot in front of the whole country, because when we do that the country that “We the People” inherited will become whole again!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

On Freedom

Freedom isn't free...no sirree! Our freedoms...the ones we received because valiant men warred against a monarch who saw this Brave New World as nothing more than another means of accruing more wealth and prestige, was entrusted to us so "We, The American People" could bequeath it to the next generation with the certain knowledge that those who received this blessing would do likewise.

Yet, today the very freedoms that our country was founded upon are being challenged by those who insist that our Founding Fathers didn't believe in the benevolent God who brought them here, or that the words they penned were intended to be changed every so often.

To persuade others, some site obscure writings by Jefferson. This seems like a ruse to me, for as the writer of foundational documents, had Jefferson wanted to he could have added to what he penned that these documents where to change with the times as necessary.

Since neither Jefferson or any of those who signed the documents, or those who formed our government and spoke, or wrote about the tenants we were founded upon never talked about or shared this idea, as we approach this July 4th, let us remember that America, The United State of America that we inherited was to always be a 'Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave' not a land of the 'It Doesn't Fit My Idea of What America Should Be'! I say this because once we begin to change America so it conforms to the ideas we're hearing today, we set up an America that's a rudderless ship setting sail upon a perilous trip.

So in the words if JFK, I hope you will, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country," as we celebrate our independence and pray that these words will be inscribed upon the heart of each person who calls themselves an American. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Slammed with 5 Star Reviews - A Snippet from Katie Mettner's says...

Now .99 Cents! “Beginning Anew is a love story for the ages! Naomi and Chaz’s story will captivate inspire you and leaves you ready to find out more about how their story unfolds. This captivating labor of love will leave you speechless, breathless, and profoundly alter in your beliefs about love. 

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