Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Everything “is” Everything!

In my second year of studying to become a Chemical Dependency – Lifestyle Disorder Councilor, I took classes with the psychiatrist who directed that program at a hospital that had one of the best residential programs of recovery in the country, and felt blessed. However, that feeling fled when he entered the classroom, which was part of the hospitals educational facility, picked up a piece of chalk, drew a huge circle on the board, turned to face us and exclaimed, “Everything is EVERYTHING!” Thinking this was an absurd statement, I dismissed it, but daily found I could not for each class began this way!

Looking back on my years of study, my internships: one recovery based done in a dually diagnosed chemical dependency unit in a psychiatric hospital, the other preventative done while interning for MADD whose mission was to stop drunk driving and support the families who'd lost loved ones, I quickly learned how true the doctors inclusive statement was, and realized that the circle I though silly was profound!  For Everything “is” Indeed Everything!

We are the sum total of all we have lived, felt and experienced. And though recovery is good, I know that the process of restoration through the salvation Jesus offers us is ‘best’. Best because He knows what is in man (you and me), what we’ve not done that we should have, and what we did that we shouldn’t have, and He loves us anyway.

The world with all its recover and other support systems cannot restore or forgive us. And those who work with others that need to stay sober, or work though issues too painful to admit or deal with without help, know that recovery works when those that recover keep coming back, so they won’t end up where they were.

The old adage, “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got,” is applicable here, so let's see what it means when applied to those who’ve been abused. Thinking this through and using the lens of ‘been there done that’, I know that those abused can become abusive, and those who don’t may soon discover that without being abused they don’t feel anything. Put these two, who at one time were both victims together, and the history of their “Everything is Everything” may cause them to inadvertently recreate the very thing they are trying to recover from.

Jesus, knowing that this would happen, says in Mathew 11:28, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” and he does, for he gifts us his shalom, a peace that transcends our earthly issues. With that peace firmly rooted in faith and planted inside our heart, we find a new and better reality is available to us. Not the realty of recover, but the reality of restoration. 

You might wonder, since restoration sounds better than recovery, why many chose the latter, so I’ll share my thoughts on this. Since the wolds view of recovery happens in a supportive group process where those who need assistance feel nurtured, heard, and learn to depend upon those who are further along in their process to mentor them, they feel understood. In personal restoration each individual is accountable and commitment to their process. They are supported by a Jesus whom they cannot see, or hear when making this recovery faith, not peer based. Within this process we have to, with Messiahs support, ‘return to the familiar’, meaning we will do what we told ourselves we would not do. But this time we will let Him teach and show us that the 'new life' we have begun when we accepted His atonement is all about trusting Him.

We get to choose: the vicious cycle, which feels more comfortable than talking or praying to a God we cannot see or hear or restoration by making "shuvia", and returning to whom God called us to be and become. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Winning by Default

Recently, I was asked by some writer friends if I'd ever entered a writing contest, so today, I'm sharing what I learned when I did, and all God taught me through that experience.

I had never entered anything like that before and hopped my work would be good enough to raise an eyebrow or two. I even imagined the judges saying to each other as they passed my work along, “Not bad…this shows potential.” And, I must admit that my fantasies soared so high that at times that I envisioned them smiling as they proclaimed, “This is the obvious winner!”

I am certain that all the writers who entered their work were anxious to discover who had won. The day before they were to announce the winner, I discovered that only one entry could win. There was a plethora of disqualified applicants. Each one had submitted their best, but they were not stories.

Disqualification of my work was not an option, so I told myself that I had won. “Hurray,” you might say. “Good job!”
However, the idea of winning by default crept in. Now you might wonder why I did this to myself and so did I. Then I remembered the Jewish rabbis attitude towards people, God, and life. These wise men understood how we view the world and they discovered the use of the word adequate covered everything we would experience from cradle to casket. They taught us that when you are born – you are adequate. When you’re a Bar or Bat Mitzvah – your adequate. When you marry – you are adequate. When you graduate college – you are adequate. When you become a Roads Scholar, a doctor, a humanitarian, invent a means of illuminating nuclear waste, solve the problems of the world, and unify the solar system – you are adequate. In Judaism, one can never be more than adequate because according the rabbis we would be elevating ourselves to a position, which belongs to God.  
This philosophy is valid until we apply it to God incarnate, Yeshua HaMashiach. In Him, we see the deity of the Godhead and all the humanity of man. Since he called us to be His and walk in a manner worthy of Him, I found myself wondering what He would think of wining or to be more specific, what would he thing about winning by default.
I sought Him, turned to Isaiah 55:8, and read, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
I pondered these words, thought about the apostle Paul, and realized that he gave up everything. I assumed that he had wanted the rabbis to consider him adequate. Yet when Messiah called, he gave his desires no credence – none at all. And we are asked to do likewise.

Now I understand that winning by default or not winning has no value whatsoever unless I am trying to garner applause from men. If that is where my focus is, I will always loose in the end because the things of this world will perish. Only when I strive towards the goal, which is Messiah himself, do I win for then I remember that in Him, I am more than a conqueror! 

Author, Paula Rose Michelson
In 1988, after studying to become a Chemical Dependency – Lifestyle Disorder Councilor, and interning in a dually diagnosed psychiatric unit, Paula Rose Michelson gave her life to Messiah. With the leading of the Ruach HaKodish (Holy Spirit), she founded LAMB Ministries which teaches women how to recover from trauma by using Scripture and prayer to purge out the dross of their lives.

Steaming from her Christian lay-counseling ministry, Paula Rose Michelson released the first of her seven “How Did We Become Angry? Lamb Ministries 7x7: Biblical Recovery for Women Suffering from Trauma & Abuse”, ebooks on Kindle and all other formats at Smashwords, as a mentor, Paula mentors women, speaks on this ministry, her writing and many other topics.  And as a Messianic Jew, the wife of Chosen People Ministries Field Missionary, and Lutheran Pastor, Ron Michelson, and one who writes to full the Great Commission, Paula has seen God change lives when people believe in and call upon Him. A mother of two married daughters, she is a grandmother of seven.

Also known as an author of sweet Christian romance with a Messianic twist and a hint of history, Paula Rose Michelson’s latest book, “Beginning Anew: The Naomi Chronicles, Book One” is a continuation of Naomi’s faith journey which readers began by when they started, Books 1 & 2 of the “Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing” Saga. 

Authors info & books are at: Smashwords: bit.ly/1jHKkHNAmazon: http://amzn.to/1d2BOl2

Thursday, May 22, 2014

LAMB Ladies Often Frighten by What Was Tend to…

Having lived in an environment where they could not react or act without making things spiral out of control, LAMB Ladies (and yes…guys too) find the stress of waiting to see if, too threatening. Trapped by the past while trying to move away from it can make one feel crazy, yet fearless!  

Fearlessness can cause us to undo or negate blessings when we don’t wait. Waiting is something those who grew up feeling loved, sheltered and supported know how to do, and do well. Like one thirsting for water in a desert parched and dry where the only rain that fell was biter tears shed in the middle of the night so now one would hear those who most need to wait cannot until…we read this portion of Exodus 6:6 in which God said, "...I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment," and realize that God knows what happened and He is bigger than our yesterdays, and if invited will be with us through every trial and tribulation if we invite him into our lives today.

If you know God and think this isn’t happening then ask yourself, “Have I asked Messiah (Christ) to be the Lord of my life? If you haven’t, do so now.

Don’t know God but realize that you need his help? The hardest thing we have to do, is ask, especially since asking often got us in trouble, but ask you must because Jesus in Revelation 3:20 says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

As you chose, and why you chose, so you become, so don't invite Messiah into your life thinking he will avenge all that happened to you. Rather ask him to be the Lord of your life so he can teach you the reality we read of in Micah 6:8 which says, He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with your God. For by doing this, God will nullify, though you will remember what came before, so you can share what happened to you and how you overcame it by faith in Christ.

Until next time may God's shalom, peace that transcends all understanding be yours.

How Did We Become Angry? Biblical Recovery for Women available  in all formats visit: bit.ly/1lCK4LJ 

About Paula Rose Michelson
In 1988, after studying to become a Chemical Dependency – Lifestyle Disorder Councilor (Life Coach), and while interning in a dually diagnosed psychiatric unit, Paula Rose Michelson gave her life to Messiah. With the leading of the Ruach HaKodish (Holy Spirit), she founded LAMB Ministries which teaches women how to recover from trauma by using Scripture and prayer to purge out the dross of their lives.
Stemming from her LAMB Ministries - Christian lay-counseling work, Paula Rose Michelson released her first recovery book in March 31, 2014, which was lauded as an Amazon Best Seller and New Hot Book 8 days after and again on April 29th Paula mentors women, speaks on this ministry, her writing and many other topics and as a Messianic Jew, the wife of Chosen People Ministries Field Missionary, and Lutheran Pastor, Ron Michelson, and one who writes to full the Great Commission, Paula has seen God change lives when people believe in and call upon Him. A mother of two married daughters, she is a grandmother of seven.

Whether speaking with her family, friends, or members of her church family, Paula Rose Michelson continues to speak and write about choices in both her fiction and nonfiction books. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

LAMB Ladies Sometimes Blessings Which Seem Aren’t Are!

available in all formats at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/439841

On my journey to wholeness in Messiah (Christ), I have occasionally grabbed ahold of what for want of a better analogy one might call a phony ‘brass ring’! I say that because having learned to never act needful, I cannot seem to refuse adds that tell me I can make something better 'if I only’. Now I must admit the ‘if I only’ statement is activated by ‘The Committee in My Head’. And as far away as I think I have gotten from it, when the ‘if I only’ is related to this work, I sometimes bite.

I’m sad to admit that I did this the day before yesterday when an online bookseller that sells “How Did We Become Angry? Biblical Recovery for Women Suffering from Trauma & Abuse” offered a new feature. Thinking this would be a blessing, and assuming I could undo what I had done if it wasn’t; I hit the button and within hours saw book reviews and download figures disappear.

Needing to ask reviewers to post their reviews again, I was told that they no longer had this book in their library! Asking for help got me no answer since it was late in the day when I did this. And when all emails about the book disappeared, I felt that no help could be given for a book I seem to have unpublished when I opted in.

By opting in, I had also inadvertently added duplicate words to the title of this book. So, last night, 'grabbing the bull by the horns’ or in this case, undoing what I’d done the only way I believed was left to me, I deleted the original ebook and immediately uploaded a new copy.

Now I discover that had I waited, like I'm supposed to do in the Lord, the book I deleted and all reviews might have reappeared if I'd know what key to hit, so needless to say, but say it I must, when stress rushes in an d the 'Committee' takes over it seems like I'm back home in the 'awfulness' again. But the good news...No The God News' is the Messiah (Jesus) promised and it's true, He will never leave or forsake me and YOU. When we're able to calm down, we will discover that He's been there all the time!

So when you visit, https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/439841 and download this book for the reduced price for free by entering this code: MG43R please praise that thank the Lord for me! And remember, before you buy the book, you are helping me celebrate my return to sanity. And. I do need to add at this local you can download the ebook in any format!

About Paula Rose Michelson

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Beginning Anew Now in all Ebook Formats at on Smashwords

Having an ebook available in only one format is like being told you can order any flavor of cream as long as it’s vanilla. Because variety is the spice of life, I am delighted to announce that my sweet Christian romance with a Messianic twist and a hint of history can now be downloaded in all ebook formats when you visit Smashwords!   

If you’re wondering if you’d enjoy the book, I’ve posted the first chapter and hope you enjoy the read as much as I did writing this continuation of Chaz and Naomi’s story, which one reviewer said was, “A love story for the ages!”

Coming Home
Chaz carried Naomi over the threshold and into the vestibule. His gaze caressed her every feature, resting at last on her eyes. They were a striking couple. She, a petite woman with olive skin, azure blue eyes, and curly hair that, when let loose, fell to her waist; he, a lanky man with close cut, dark brown hair and strong features who had once again married the woman his heart yearned for. As Naomi met his gaze with her own, she found herself believing that the Spanish tiles and sideboard stood as silent witnesses to the love encompassing them. She felt Chaz tighten his hold on her and remembered the first time she came to this casa, a teenager handcuffed and dragged here against her will.
         He nuzzled her neck, and her thoughts turned toward Chaz coming to this casa the first time they wed, unaware of her secrets. When they looked at each other, Naomi believed each of them were experiencing the magic that surrounded them, magic carried on the soft velvety breeze that drifted in through the front door, enfolding them in its embrace. Noticing that they breathed in unison, her heart rejoiced, for their unity affirmed to her that this was the beginning of all their tomorrows as their yesterdays faded away.           
         She smiled, certain each of them was remembering the vows they had reaffirmed, the promise of the night they shared, and the many promises they made; promises to love, cherish, and obey.
         Naomi drank in her surroundings, amazed that the place of fear and trepidation that had become a refuge for her while serving others, and from which she had fled weeks ago, was now a place of love and joy. Bringing her thoughts back to the present, she saw Chaz’s gaze sweep the casa and noticed his scowl. She wondered if he was remembering their first wedding night a little more than a month ago that for him, she believed, was a night of unmet…She blushed and was about to ask him when he turned toward her. Though she believed, she would never be sure, his look seemed to say…Nomi, you take my breath away!
         She flicked a piece of lint from his tuxedo jacket.
         “Nomi! Did you hear me?” He stared at her.
         Though not given to mind reading, because of the way Chaz looked at her, Naomi wonder if he was remembering the way they meet years ago when he was on the street inebriated. Before their life had fallen apart, he had told her that the few moments they spent then changed him forever. Now, as she relieved the moment, Chaz had called her “Nomi” she realized once more the manifold blessings of remarrying this man who used the same endearment her papá had. Chaz had called her “Nomi” before, but this time, when he spoke that name it sounded like a benediction, and her heart filled with joy. She was certain he truly loved her as her family had, for none but her family had ever called what her papá had until Chaz claimed her heart.
“Nomi, you take my breath away!”
“Oh, Chaz, I thought I imagined you saying that.”
Chaz smiled and kissed her. “Dear one, let us remember what we went through to come to this place and this time. Let us never take lightly the love we have for each other.” 
         “I promise…I will not forget.”
         “Amore, time has robbed us of many things. Commitments unconsecrated at the beginning of our marriage and your promise of their completion on that first Sunday night.” 
         She blushed. “This is true, but there is nothing we can do about that now.” 
         “We can have our special Sunday as you planned.”
         Naomi took the measure of her man with new insight. “Do you mean to tell me that after all of this, you are willing to wait?” 
         “Sí, that is exactly what I mean. If there is one thing I have learned from all of this, it is that I need to be patient with you…with us.”
         “Are you trying to develop this trait by putting off our union?”
         “I believe we should come together after we have sorted things out. I must confess, you were not the only one hiding. I came to you with one suitcase and allowed you to think I was less than I am. For that, I ask you to forgive me. It is because both of us have not been open with each other that we need this time. Besides, waiting until Sunday will be wonderful agony for us both. After all, what is it they say, ‘waiting makes the moment more special’? I believe we should wait as you originally requested.”
         “What do you mean, you made yourself to be less than you are? Who exactly are you?”
         “See, you are aware that we do not really know each other, or you would not be reacting this way.”
         “That is true. I can see the wisdom in what you suggest. But…”
         Chaz watched his bride’s emotions as they flitted across her face. “What are you thinking about?” he asked as he put her down.
         Seconds ticked by. She smiled at him. “I was thinking about the sign.
         Chaz drew her close. “I am glad you like it.” 
         “Well…who would not be surprised…I mean pleased, to come home and discover the casa had been named after them, with a sign saying so now hanging above the front door?” She remembered asking him, “Why did you pick these words?” Though she hated having her name where everyone could see it, she smiled when he answered, “I told you before, you are my casa, Naomi. I am at home in you!” Amazed by her response, “I never thought of this as my casa,” Naomi knew she sounded happy like new brides do. Now, those words seemed to reverberate within the walls of the casa, as if the house was rejoicing with her because it somehow knew that home had always been an illusion to her until now.
         She thought of the yellow butterfly on the sign and asked, “Chaz, are you one who watches butterflies?”  
         “No, my sweet, I am one who watches you.”
         “What do you mean?”
         “What were you thinking of that made you blush when I proposed?”
         “Well…I said I would date you…because outside my bedroom’s French doors each spring, I watched caterpillars spin their cocoons and emerge later in the season as beautiful butterflies. I wondered if…if I…could be like them…becoming all I was meant to be by…marrying you.”
“When hearts beat as one like yours and mine, in time we come to understand each other’s secret yearnings.”
         “And what is my secret yearning?”
          “That we be happy—”
          “Oh yes, I want us to be happy and… hope for…”
          “Una mariposa amarilla, sí?
          “How did you know my secret wish was to be free like a yellow butterfly is?”
         “Naomi, for one who was taught that observing the Jewish faith could lead to her death, who sought freedom in America, then needed to live in isolation because she had entered the land illegally, thinking of a butterfly that goes where it wants and does what it pleases must have seemed like heaven. As for yellow, that, my lovely, is no secret. Given the choice, if you are not trying to be invisible, or dressing to please me, you wear something yellow.”
          Naomi thought of the lovely yellow sunhat with embroidered red roses Chaz had bought her and nodded. “Yes, you are right.”
Un momento.” Chaz hurried away, returning a moment later with that hat in hand. She smiled at him as he placed it on her head and draped the matching scarf artfully around her neck. “I promised myself that when you came back we would begin again with good memories. For me, this hat and dancing with you on the patio are the best!”
She smiled at him. 
He picked her up, and hurried towards the backdoor. Before he crossed the kitchen’s threshold, she motioned for him to put her down. “Is there a problem?”
          She frowned. “It is going to be hard enough to wait until Sunday, so…” 
          He saw her frown and understood all she had not said. “…dancing with you is out of the question! Now I wish you had not agreed to wait until…”
         “No. I know you were right…though it seems odd to be married twice in such a short time and never come together.”
           Chaz chuckled. “When you put it that way, I can see the humor in our situation.”  
           “It might not seem funny when some will insist that we wed on June fifteenth, 1967 instead of on July twenty-sixth, 1967.”
          “I do not care what date we use. All that matters is that we are really and truly married.”
         “Yes, a new beginning.”
         “Now there are things we need to do.”
          “What things?”
 “We must go shopping for some new bedding and other things for the master
At the mention of bedding, Naomi blushed. 
“What is it?”
         Aware that if she shared her desire, Chaz’s plan might go awry, Naomi cast her eyes down. “Nothing…nothing at all…”
         “Naomi, do not hide from me again.”
Oh, God, how do I do this? she wondered as her color deepened.
"Naomi…please, please…” The way Chaz looked when he uttered those two
words made her feel weak in the knees.
Talk about something else, she told herself. “All right…since you spoke of Madre Vida and the sign, I must share that her name is misspelled.”
         “Is that all?”
         “Tell me.”
         “I am so sorry that I did not clear out her room for you.”
         “Nomi, it is all right. We can do that together.” 
         “I could not let go of her presence. With your help, now I can.”
         “Good! Let us make that room our own.”
          “I am glad you will help because that way the room will really be ours. What should we do with Madre Vida’s things?”
         “We could pack them away,” he suggested. Then seeing his bride frown, Chaz exclaimed, “Why not pick some of her things and frame them!”
         “Oh, Chaz, that is a wonderful idea, but…”
         “Well,” she looked at him for assurance. Seeing him nod, she continued, “It might be silly to speak of such things now, but though I lived with Madre Vida for more than five years, I do not know anything about her except her work with girls like me, and the market she owned and passed on to me along with all her other commitments. Though not my real mother, she gave me this life.”
“Maybe, in her things, you will find what you want.”
“I hope so. I would like to know…” Naomi smiled at him. “She was my only family here in America.” 
 Chaz hugged her tight. “Now you have me.”
            “We have each other.” 
Chaz heard the kitchen clock chime, marking the midnight hour. He escorted his wife to her bedroom door and forced a smile. “Then we agree, tomorrow we begin to make the suite fit for us.”  
         Naomi smiled and opened her door. “Yes, tomorrow we begin to be us instead of you and me….Us, as only a couple in love can…” 
         “Will be,” Chaz finished her sentence, then he kissed her lips longingly. Drawing circles in her right hand, he moved closer, so close each could feel the other's heart beating. “Naomi, I…” he pulled her to him.
“Whatever you want, I am yours,” she murmured as his lips encircled hers.

“Naomi,” he moaned, “I must leave you now or I will never go!” He forced himself to turn away and walk down the hall. 

About Paula Rose Michelson

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Now .99 Cents, Delores Ayotte's nonfiction Up The "Down" Ladder - Simple Ideas to Overcome Depression is a Breakthrough Masterpiece!

As a Chemical Dependency - Lifestyle Disorder Councilor who interned at Woodview Calabasas Psychiatric Hospital's dually diagnosed Chemical Dependency Unit, I can attest that usually in every generation there is new information that points to new theories. However, having worked in the system and then as a lay councilor for Freemont Community Church, I know that the most valuable information is dispensed by those caring individuals who having overcome reach out a hand, say a word, show the way while sharing their personal experiences. Where once people did this as a natural and right thing to do more and more today's mind set of `suck it up' and `look good at all times not  matter what it costs' has created an environment where the norm is to look good no matter what!

Into this dismal abyss steps a women who sees herself as an ordinary person, who has had some experiences others might learn from. Delores Ayotte does not tell us how to avoid life issues, she celebrates them! In reading her take we see that choices shape our world. This is clearly illustrated by the bank that wanted people to progress. Management meet with each employee to map out a year by year strategy so each employee could become self-actualizing. And a curious thing happened! Many who claimed to want to advance left. Why? Because for some...or in some situations it's easier to `want' than `do.'

Up The "Down" Staircase is a small book loaded with life changes examples gleaned from the author's experiences, and I for one, found them affirming, and if implemented when ready, you might perhaps view them to be as, or even more, valuable than seeing a therapist who might prescribe medication so you don't have to do the work, tell you that what you're going through is Normal, or suggest that it's someone else's fault. All of these options have been tried and not worked. If they had we would be feeling better not worse.

No! What is needed is a Truthsayer who has nothing to prove or gain from telling it like `it' is...if that's what you're looking for this book is a must read. But before you begin, I must suggest that you read a little and be kind to yourself as if you were your own best friend. For this is not a book to be rushed through because change that last's takes time. It took you a while to get where you are... a while to realize that it's not where you want to be. Now gift yourself the time to become the you, you wish to be.

Just as some of those who groused because they wanted to advance discovered, when the opportunity was available, that they didn't really want to, your voyage of discovery may take you to places you never imagined and show you things about yourself you never knew. Yet, I can promise you this after reading this amazing book, you will always be in charge, you will be respected and affirmed. And in the end you will be able to say with happy conviction, "You get to be you, and I get to be me!" Although this simple statement might sound ludicrous, true health is achieved when one knows and likes themself, and supports others as they strive to become who they want to be for it is in moving from wanting to becoming that we arrive! http://amzn.to/1jynp6F

About Dolores Ayotte

Delores holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in psychology fas well as a teacher certification in Manitoba, Canada. She has taken courses in human relationships and communication.

Her self-help books are written retrospectively and are based on proven recipes that she has incorporated into her own life, and from which many have learned that humor, antidotes, and quotes when applied to the correct issues make daily living a joy rather than a drudge.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Love is...

Love is action, not reaction.

Love is accepting, not rejecting.

Love is rejoicing, not voicing.

Love is seeking, not leaving.

Love is praising, not star gazing when the one you love needs you.

Yes, as 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 says, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  

If we profess to have this love but others never see or experience it, do we really love? And if we do love and the one we loved doesn’t know it, have we diluted ourselves, or is Messiah telling us that this love isn’t approved by God?

Since the greatest relational command Jesus gave His disciples was to love one another, and follow the Lord as they did, be sure that your answer is one you are prepared to live with and die for. For at the end of this age no one will have the opportunity to do what they left undone or mend the bleeding heart of one in need. So, do today what must be done, then rest for tomorrows dawn will most likely bring another test.

About Paula Rose Michelson
How Did We become Angry is available at: http://amzn.to/1gljnYV, and bit.ly/1iCMug2

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Honoring Those Moms Who Chose to Adopt: Baby Tears

This Mother’s Day please remember that for every child that is unwanted a woman's heart may be crying for what you have rejected. Before you make a choice to end a life, think about those arms that hunger to hold what you carry within your body...then chose life!

Baby tears,
Baby tears,
I cried them silently,
All the long lonely years.

Whether my husband was by my side,
Or far away.
Whether I felt the forgiveness of God,
Or watched as other people’s children played.

Within my yearning heart,
Was a brokenness that could not be mended,
A need that seemed to large to be tended,
A sad story that never ended.

Mama’s tears,
Mama’s tears,
There is no son or daughter here to see,
All the sorrow I cried out,
While others took for granted,
That which was denied me.

Papa’s tears,
Papa’s tears,
For the children that never came,
As my life played out and my husband left,
Unable to face the pain,
Of condemnation and religious shame.

Barren years,
Facing fears,
Fears of recrimination, and more,
Then, when I gave up,
Gave up all,
Look what God had in store!

Baby girl,
A blessing of love,
Mine to tend,
Given from above,
Not from my womb
Or my husbands seed,
Yet mine at last,
Mine indeed!

Teenage girls,
Gods’ sweet pearls,
Reassurance of the rightness of things,
Part and parcel of the joy Messiah brings,
No time to fret over children never born,
Less time to morn over a lifetime of love scorned.

Artist child, meek and mild,
Timid in every way,
Could the blessing be mine,
At last,
Will you run away?

About Paula Rose Michelson

To read the first few pages or purchase the author’s Christian self-help book, How Did We Become Angry, are interested in Beginning Anew: The Naomi Chronicles, or Books One and Two of Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing: please visit: http://amzn.to/1d2BOl2

Friday, May 9, 2014

LAMB Ladies This ‘Mother’s Day’ You Don’t Need to Feel…

Growing up where abuse is rampant, many who were abused find holidays like Mother’s and Father’s Day very hard. While families are getting together to celebrate and honor their parents and grandparents on the day set aside to do this, those who found themselves trapped in the cycle of abuse, debased by the escalating cycle of negative words and behavior that robbed them of their sense of personal worth, or the ability to change their situation, may struggle as they find themselves caught between honoring the people who did this to them, or dealing with their own condemnation if they don’t play the ‘pretend game’.

For many abused ‘pretending’ was the way they survived. So assuming they can still do this and survive, they return. Once in a while, they find the parent contrite and wanting to make amends. More often than not they leave feeling as if they are still trapped in the abuse for the ‘Committee in their Head’ has new fodder to feed upon. This resurgence to  the forefront of all they tried to distance themselves from or deny causes many to feel that a Lobotomy, which in its heyday was often used to correct mental illness, is needed to restore a semblance of normalcy. Once more existing within a trapped mindset, the abused abuses themselves.

There is a better way. A way to be a 'happy you' whether you go or not! A way to make peace with your past and chose, I say “Chose” because it is through the act of choosing that we define ourselves and become. Knowing this, God put Adam and Eve in the garden. He put Adam in charge of everything, told him to eat all he saw, except…and Adam chose. I say "Adam chose" because he was in charge. Adams choice resonates throughout the generations. We live and die while dealing with the fallout of Adams choice as did Eve. I say that about Eve because Adam ‘chose’ to eat the fruit from the "tree of good and evil" that she gave him. Adam chose and since he was in charge, Scripture says that because Adam sinned…

Do we sin when we don’t horror those who dishonored us may be the question you like to ask. Rather than answering that question from my thinker, which doesn’t know squat, let’s focus on the blessing God promised us in Deuteronomy 5:16 where we read, "Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” God gave me this verse while I was trying to figure out what I would do or not do. While having my back adjusted, God was adjusting my ‘tude’! That’s right! I needed an ‘attitude adjustment’, for I had been acting as if I were the only one who’d ever…You can fill in this blank with all the reasons why you won’t or don’t see the one who…

But God knew, and I’m here to tell you what He taught me because if you don’t return and face the one who hurt you, a part of you, perhaps the most important part of you, will always be trapped in that abuse. If, however, you ‘chose’ to go, not out of obligation, or because it’s the ‘lesser of two evils’ but to obtain the blessing that God promised you, which says, “…so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord God is giving you,” I know He will protect you and show you what to do and say.

Choosing to return to the pain is YOUR gain if Messiah is with you. I know. I did this. But before God confronted and sent me back there, I’d had a life changing biblical intervention between God and me. I did personal work in the Scripture, and prayed. While I was doing this, and while I was working with my LAMB Ladies, I had no idea that God had planned all along to tell me to return, but when He did, though fearful, knowing that I now owned my unique personhood, I went. And it "was good". I know it "was good" because God had taught me how to define what "was good" for me. No longer would I let or allow anyone to define or tell me about what "was good" for me! Now owning myself and fully aware of all that means, I look back and realize it was more than ‘good’ it was ‘liberating’! For God and His Word had set me free to become the Real Me!

This can happen to you to…take my hand and I’ll show you how.
If you'd like to begin your recovery as I did, 
in How Did We Become Angry? Biblical Recovery for Women Suffering from Trauma & Abuse, I've shared my process and will help you through yours  http://amzn.to/1gljnYV

About Paula Rose Michelson

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Need for Self-Forgiveness Means “How Did We Become Angry?” is for Men To!

Having sent my Christian self-help book How Did We Become Angry? Biblical Recovery for Women Suffering from Trauma & Abuse to three pastors (all men) for endorsement, which each was happy to do, and having heard from several men who read the book and found it helpful, I thought it wise to share that as a Christian lay-councilor who was trained in the medical model and interned at Woodview-Calabasas Hospital Dually Diagnosed Unite, I learned that due to transference, and later to be aligned with Scripture it was biblically appropriate and clinically best to work with women so there would be no misunderstanding of my role, or the persons goal, which in both models is health, or as I like to put it, to overcome.

Therefore, all other LAMB Ministries material either in book or another form will be directed toward women who need this ministry. However, I am very aware that men need to do the same work. I am also, sadly aware that the ‘touchy feely’ side of men is not ministered to in the way this book and the others do. Because of this, today I’m posting Rev Jimmy A. Garland review so that you will know that this slim volume is one that can…but I’ll let Jimmy tell you in his own words.

Jimmy A Garland“Having spent the last twenty-three years studying to obtain the tools needed to aid individuals to deal with the crippling effect of self-condemnation, I wholeheartedly endorse Paula Rose Michelson’s ‘Book One: How Did We Become Angry?’ While earning a Masters of Divinity Degree in Pastoral Counseling I was introduced to the idea that the purpose of Christian counseling was to aid individuals to get unstuck in their life. Paula put into simple words a process that can unstick those who are bogged down in the mire of their anger. On a personal note, I recommend this book to all those who trained themselves to hide their anger inside. From childhood I dealt with the effects of anger within. Although the book was written and promoted to aid ladies deal with anger, I found in Paula’s words a greater understanding of my own path to freedom in Christ.” — Rev Jimmy A. Garland: Pastor, Counselor, Author of ‘Ark of Rest’, and ‘Berserker Healed

About Paula Rose Michelson
How Did We Become Angry? Biblical Recovery for Women Suffering from Trauma and Abuse on Kindle http://amzn.to/1gljnYV

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

LAMB Ladies Silence it NOT Golden!

For those abused with words, for those who have never been hit, starved, or denied what most of their family and friends had, it is hard to understand that the worse kind of abuse leaves no telltale marks except for those that ravage ones heart.

Each patient that I worked with as well as the recovery groups I led were filled with walking wounded. The kickback I received from patients I worked with in the Dually Diagnosed Chemical Dependency Unit was due to the fact that they thought my overeating eating addition didn’t measure up to what they were going through. When I asked them what would happen to me if I abstained from eating, they got it. I now I hope you'll get what I'm saying because I believe that the very worst kind of abuse is the one that makes the victim wonder if they were making it all up.

Having needed to report some to Child Protective Services, I know that the system is so inundated with calls that those who visit the homes look for outward signs of abuse. Sadly many abusers never leave a mark. Sadder still, they can verbally accost their victim one moment, become loving the next, and are able to become moreso when they open their front door and realize that they have been reported and the gig might be up.

When the abused is faced with the choice of sharing the reality of their life, they don't for they know that to respond in any way that throws suspension on the perpetrator (usually a family member or friend) will make things far worse. Even if a victim wanted to tell, their fearful self-talk, which says, “If they don’t want to love and take care of me who will?” keeps them mute, shaming them to the core while they try to act normal.

The fear of being found to be less than in the world outside ones prison forces the abused into the role of helpmate for by being silent, they enable the abuser and a vicious cycle of ever increasing degradation ensues. Caught in this cycle, should the abused choose to deescalate the situation by become a willing victim, fear and loathing keep them trapped even when they could leave.

Into this morass of depravity the only words that can reach into the pit of despair and show another life, a better life, are the words of healing and hope Messiah spoke from the cross when He said, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). These words apply to the abuser, and I believe even moreso to the abused because of the self-inflicted wounds they caused are the most grievous of all.

Think this post doesn't relate to you? Watch this video, listen carefully. 

This song may also speak to your heart. As you list, please know that God created you to be loved, for you are worthy of love, just as you are dear one. Jesus died so you could spend eternity with God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe4qk7Mijlo

If this song describes you, please begin by forgiving yourself. If you don’t know how, let the above Scripture light your path as you walk towards healing and peace in Messiah. If you’d like help, my first LAMB Ministry book “How Did We Become Angry? Biblical Recovery for Women Suffering from Trauma and Abuse” on Kindle http://amzn.to/1gljnYV

About Paula Rose Michelson